








・Do you live in a house or an apartment?
  I live in an apartment. (話を広げようとしたが、ここで試験官に止められる。)

・Do you like your apartment and why?
  Yes, I do like my apartment. Although the location is kind of a remote area, a bit far from the city center, it has easy access to the university I go to. That’s why I like my apartment.

・What kind of house would you like to live in in the future? and why?
  I would like to live in an apartment like a palace because, without being rich, I couldn’t live in that kind of house. And I wanna be rich in the future, so I wanna live in a palace.

・Let’s talk about BBQ. Do you like BBQ?
  Yes, I do like BBQ parties. I often have BBQ parties with some of my laboratory members, like once in two months. So, I love BBQ.

・Did you often do BBQ when you were a child?
  No, I don’t think I had BBQ parties when I was a kid becasue my mom and dad were always busy with their work and generally, it takes a long time to prepare things for BBQ.

・Which one do you prefer to do BBQ with, family or friends?
  I would say with my friends becasue I can be open to my friends more than my family.

・Where is the best place to do BBQ in your country?
  In my country?! Well, I would say Kanazawa city near the Asano river would be very good to have a BBQ party because we can enjoy swimming in the river, fishing, and BBQ at the same time.

・Let’s talk about planets and stars. Do you like to see stars and planets at night?
  I’m not interested in seeing planets and stars at night at all. (ここで即座にWhy? と聞かれる)Simply because I don’t have enough time to do that stuff. I’m working at university as a researcher, so I have to spend most of my time in the laboratory doing experiments.

・Would you like to go to another planet if possible?
  Yes, I definitely would like to. As I said, I’m working as a researcher, so I really like unknown things, and (theが必要) universe is full of unknown stuff. So, it would be nice if I could go there.


Describe something you tried but failed.
what you did
when you did
reasons why it failed
describe your feeling when it failed

I’m gonna talk about something I tried but it failed. A few months ago, like 2 or 3 months ago, I went to the Kanazawa castle park to see fireflies at night, but there was no firefly. The park is located in the city center of Kanazawa city, and the place is kind of close to my apartment, like 15 to 20 minutes away from my apartment on foot, and also near the university I go to. The park is full of nature, for example, you can see cherry blossoms, sunflowers, ginkgo, depending on the season. In addition, there is (areが正しい) some ponds, benches to chill out, and workout equipment as well. And, one night, I went to the park, but I couldn’t find any fireflies there. I looked around and walked around the park, but there was no firefly. So, I went to the Kenrokuen garden to kill some time and chill out because the garden is very close to the park. After that, I went back to my apartment on foot and relaxed and chill out. Then, I looked up some information about fireflies and turned out the season was already over. When I found out about this, I was so disappointed, and I thought I should have been there earlier. (ここでちょうど止められる)


・What do young people want to achieve nowadays?
  Excuse me? Could you repeat the question again? Well, I would say young people nowadays wanna be rich and famous. If you get rich, you can do anything you want, and one of the fastest ways to be rich is to be famous. So, being rich and famous is what young people wanna be.

・Only being rich and famous? What about more inside things?
  More inside things… Well… (ここで5秒ほど沈黙) I’ve never thought about it… (試験官に「fine」と言われ次の質問へ)

・How can we measure if people are successful?
  The amount of money they make is one of the ways to measure if people are successful. Almost all of the successful people are rich I suppose. So, we can measure the degree of success based on how much money they make.

・What about other things except for money?
  Well, except for money… trustiness? (試験官に聞き返される) trusteeship…? (正しくはtrust) If you’re successful, in your workplace, people around you will pay respect to you and rely on you. So, successful people always gain respect. So, I would say trust might be a good way to measure how much successful you are.

・Does having a goal help young people?
  Yes, it does. In my case, I‘m looking to immigrate to Canada and I wanna spend my life in (inは不要) there in the future. That’s why I’m taking this exam, IELTS. Since I have this dream, I can keep studying English and improving my English. So, having a dream does help us move forward and move on, but it should be clear and concrete. (最後のconcreteがなかなか出てこず、2秒くらい考える)

・Should children sometimes give up on their dream?
  I agree with that statement to some extent becasue children sometimes have dreams that are not achievable. For instance, in my case, I used to wanna be a baseball player, like Shohei Ohtani, who is the most famous Japanese baseball player, and now he plays baseball in the MLB, I mean Major League Baseball. When I was a junior high school student, I realized it’s not possible to be a baseball player like him. So, I gave up my dream. So, children should give up if they have that kind of unachievable dream.







